Saturday, January 23, 2010

Validation is just a mouse click away

As someone who has spent most of her career in the arts, I have devoted a lot of energy in convincing people (funders, patrons, art collectors, newspaper editors… the list goes on) that they should invest in the arts. And when I say invest, I don’t necessarily only mean money – not that money is bad. Bring the money on… No purism for me! No, what I really mean is the investment of time, energy, faith, and conviction.

For me, commitment to the arts, culture, and heritage is a huge investment in the quality of life for you, your family, and your community.

Luckily for me, and for anyone who is currently in the position of writing a fundraising proposal, presentation, or brand new policy, ACE Communities has now launched the online version of the Benefits Catalogue. Included in this Catalogue is a database of over 700 studies proving the value of recreation, parks, sport, arts, culture and heritage.

The 2009 Benefits Catalogue, in essence, is an online tool that provides updated evidence for 50 outcomes statements using leading-edge technology. The vision of the Benefits Catalogue is one of sustainability with always-current research and evidence. Users, in fact, are encouraged to upload their own personal research or studies that the Catalogue might be missing.

This living resource summarizes evidence that what we do – as recreation and cultural providers - really does make a difference and has a significant impact as economic, social, and/or political drivers. It provides users with an invaluable resource for policy development, planning, marketing, program/service development and/or evaluation.

Type in ‘arts’, ‘culture’, and ‘heritage’ into the search engine and actual documented studies are found that prove that these three fields:

· are essential to personal health and well-being

· provide the key to balanced human development

· provide a foundation for quality of life

· reduce self-destructive and anti-social behaviour

· build strong families and healthy communities

· reduce health care, social service and police/justice costs

· are a significant economic generator

This same type of search can be done for topics like: active living, aboriginal issues, children and/or adults, cultural diversity, living with disability, seniors, parks, and recreation. And then – voila! - the database formats the results into a handy, dandy pdf ready for print. Your work is fait accompli.

And I ask you, has research ever been easier? So if you are currently in a position where you need or want to prove the benefits of parks, recreation, arts, culture, and heritage, look no further! Validation is just a mouse click away.

So visit:


Lisbeth Salander said...

all the countries should investment more in cultural events or promote the race relations to show other countries their cultural identity...

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