One of the most useful arts and cultural discoveries I have made recently is that Alberta has its very own set of PASOs. Pronounced like Paso as in El Paso (or is it with an ‘eh’ like in peso?), the Professional Arts Service Organizations are umbrella arts-related organizations that offer services like advocacy and educational opportunities to its members. These organizations are ideal resources for rural communities or even individuals looking to expand their arts and cultural activities.
For a very minimal annual fee (which ranges from about $25-$50 for individuals and as little as $100 - $250 for organizations), members of these PASOs have access to services as far reaching as online writing workshops and newsletters to a film festival in a proverbial can. All you need to know is where to look.
Take, for example, the Alberta Media Arts Alliance Society ( On top of direct member services like webhosting, an annual conference, sponsorship and artist commissions, members of this PASO have access to Prairie Tales - an annual touring collection of Albertan short film and video. So what does this mean for rural communities? It means that with this DVD, a DVD player and projector, an empty wall, and a little ingenuity, you have the makings of your very own film festival.
On top of exhibition and sales opportunities through their shop, the Alberta Craft Council ( offers its members access to their ‘Symbol of Quality’ program – a quality assurance program vetted by a Craft Council jury. They also offer a product advisory committee and Craft Business Training. Like many of the other PASOs, they too offer awards and scholarships opportunities.
Another service that ties all of the PASOs together is their extensive information networks. The Alberta Dance Alliance’s ( Dancelines e-newsletter announces dance-related opportunities on a bi-weekly basis as does the Book Publishers Association of Alberta ( electronic newsletter, Bibliophax.
But this is just the tip of the taco… our province’s PASOs have all of this to offer and more! Many PASOs will even doll out advice to non-members as long as it pertains to their chosen genre. So whether it’s related to mentoring, networking, or developmental advice, you all have access to the tools to make it happen.
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